Welcome to part-21 of the series. Now, that our site is live it’s time to add the good gatsby plugins and other things. But before that i need to tell one thing, this will be no longer a dev.to like site.
This will be my personal blog site, where i will post mainly all my blogs(215 till now). On this journey to build dev.to, i found it’s more of a wonderful community of developers than the blogging system itself. That is what differentiate it from sites like medium.com and hashnode.com
Maybe one day will build a community first and then the blogging system. So, let’s add a contact form to the site first.
I had earlier described about two ways to add a contact form in a gatsby site. One is by using netlify and is described in my earlier blog post here. The other way is to use the called formspree to get user data. I earlier used it in this blog post.
Rest of the chapter is exclusive content and is from my book Foundation Gatsby Projects.
The book can be purchased from Apress site here
It will take us through the same above process and i get the mail in my gmail.