Welcome to part-2 of the series.
We will first add the basic css to our style.css, which is necessary for the primary color, reset and the body.
So, our site will look like below. Notice that we are creating the mobile layout first.
Mobile Layout
Next, we will create the style for the button and the button hover. We are also creating the style for the input and the textarea.
Now, our mobile site looks like below.
Button done
Next, we will have added the Rubik font from google font, through an import. We are also adding it in the font-family of the body.
So, our font have changes and our mobile site looks like below.
Mobile site
Lastly we will create our site with alternative color scheme. Notice that we are using rem for our calculation.
color scheme
Now our mobile site looks like below.
Mobile site
This completes part-2 of the series. See you soon.
You can find the code for the same in this github link.