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ReactJS Tutorial for Beginners -7

by Nabendu Biswas / October 17th, 2020

#javascript #beginners #react
Series: React-Basics

Welcome to part-7 of the series. We will first learn about passing data from children to parent component.

Methods as props

In react we generally pass data(or props) from parent component to child component. But if we want to pass props from Child to Parent component, we need to pass methods.

We will create a class based component ParentComponent inside components folder. It have a local state of parentName and a greetParent(), which will show an alert containing this state.

In the render part, we are simply calling a ChildComponent.


Now, we will create the ChildComponent component. It just have a simple button, with text Greet Parent.


Also, include the ParentComponent in App.js by adding it.


Now, we want to click the button in the ChildComponent and execute the greetParent() in ParentComponent.

So, we pass the method itself as props to the ChildComponent. So, in our ParentComponent.js file, we are passing the props greetHandler to the ChildComponent.


Back to the ChildComponent now, we will use this props greetHandler in the event handler of the button.


Now, in localhost, when we click at the button the pop-up with the parentName state will be displayed.


Now, if we want to pass some parameter from the ChildComponent to the ParentComponent, we need to use the arrow function. After that we can pass a parameter in it.


Next, in ParentComponent.js we have access to it as a parameter to the function. So, we are using it from the parameter.


Now, back in localhost when we click the button we will see both state and the parameter in the alert.


Conditional Rendering

In react there are four ways by which we can conditional render a part of the code. We will look into them now.

We will create a class based component UserGreeting inside components folder. Here, we have a state variable isLoggedIn which is false now. We also have two h1s.


Next, we will include UserGreeting in the App.js file.


Now, both the h1s will be shown in localhost. But as you might have guessed, we want to show only one depending on the isLoggedIn variable.


Method #1 The first method which we will learn, is the if-else statement. Here, we are using the if statement to check if the isLoggedIn is true and displaying Welcome Nabendu in the case, or else Welcome Guest is displayed.


Now, in localhost Welcome Guest will be displayed because isLoggedIn is false.


Method #2 The second method is to add the html in element variables. Here, we have created a variable message and then inside the if-else, assigned different statements to it.

Now, in the return statement showing the message.


Now, in localhost Welcome Nabendu will be displayed because isLoggedIn is true.


Method #3 The third method uses the ternary conditional operator and is used the most in React codes. The benefit of this approach is that it can be used inside the JSX.


In this method we use a ternary operator, which is equivalent to if-else statement. Here, we are checking if this.state.isLoggedIn is true and show Welcome Nabendu in the case, or else Welcome Guest is displayed.

Method #4 The fourth method uses the short-circuit operator &&, but it can be used only if we want to render something or nothing.


Here, we are checking if this.state.isLoggedIn is true then only execute the other statement i.e. Welcome Nabendu.

This completes part-7 of the series.

Nabendu Biswas