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Refactoring Youtube Player to use Flux — Part 3

by Nabendu Biswas / April 28th, 2018

#react #javascript #flux
Series: Youtube-Player-React

Welcome to Part 3 and here we will add the functionality to click on a video, in the list to select it and display it in player.

Now the flow will be —

  • We will have a click handler in video_list_item.js on each video.
  • Which will fire a new action in yTSearch_action.js
  • Through the dispatcher, this video will be passed to ytSearch_store.js. It will emit the video then.
  • Then video_detail.js will receive this specific video and show it in player.

Let’s now start with video_list_item.js and add the onClick() handler. Here we have imported the YTSearchAction first and then in li (which will hold a single video in list), added an onClick() handler which will fire an action in actions file. The line key={video.etag}, is to identify this video uniquely as etag for each video from youtube is unique. It is required to do in React when handling arrays, or else it throws a big red warning.


Next we will add this userSelected() in yTSearch_action.js. This is quite straightforward and similar to videoSearch(), just that we are not doing any API calls and passing a single video object.

userSelected() in **yTSearch_action.js**

Now to handle this action, we will add code in ytSearch_store.js. Basically, we are having this new empty array _userSelected and assigning it to the video we received from yTSearch_action.js in action.payload and then emitting it.


Now, let’s move to the receiving end and it is the video_detail.js. We will receive this video there and show it in the video player.


The highlighted parts are the new addition. We are basically checking whether the video is received through clicking of a video or through the initial render/search in bar.

Final web-appFinal web-app

This concludes our series. Hope you enjoyed it. The github repo is here.

Nabendu Biswas