Welcome to part-2 of the series. In the second part which starts with video-11, he starts with installing React and other dependencies. We then create the Authentication page, which have both login and Switch to Signup link.
login page
The signup page is quite similar to the login page.
signup page
Then we create the event page, in which we can create a event. If you are owner of the event, you are show a different message.
Event page
When you click on Create Event button, a modal is open which contains a form. We code this in the series.
Add Event
We can do the booking by clicking on the View Details button. Once we click on Book, the event is booked for the logged in user.
In the Booking page, we can see all the booked events of the user. We can also cancel from this page.
We are also using a very good CSS spinner whenever our query is done to the GraphQL endpoint.
Now, we use a npm module dataloader in video-20 and it is used to improve the performance but is a bit complicated and adds complexities to the code. You can use the project very well without this also.
Also, in video-21 we use a reach charting library to show chart. We can avoid this also as it doesn’t make any sense in this project.
Now, the biggest plus of the whole series is that it does use any external tool like apollo server or apollo client, like in any other tutorial.
This series is like learning vanilla Javascript instead of a framework(React) and i really enjoyed it. I will create something new following this series soon.
The complete project can be found in my github repo here.