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YouTube Video | HTML Crash Course - 1

by Nabendu Biswas / July 15th, 2020

#html #beginners #youtube
Series: HTML-Basics

I had decided to create a HTML tutorial for absolute beginners. This video is for those who are just starting in Web-development. After this video, you can take the code in this tutorial and treat as as your little cheatsheet for HTML.

If you are interested in learning HTML but know nothing, then you are in the right place. We will be creating a cheat sheet with all of the common HTML5 tags, attributes etc. We will not be focusing on CSS in this video. The CSS crash course will be released shortly after this.

Here is the first part of the series.

alt text

Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos.

You can also read it in blog format, from these two posts -

Nabendu Biswas