Image Optimization with NextJS
by Nabendu Biswas /August 2nd, 2022
#nextjs #javascript #react
In this same demo, we will learn about NextJS image optimization. NextJS is know for it’s image optimization which is a pain point in any…
read moreIn this same demo, we will learn about NextJS image optimization. NextJS is know for it’s image optimization which is a pain point in any…
read moreWe are going to learn React redux by building an amazing eCommerce project, which will do API call to get data. We will start from scratch…
read moreHooks have changed the ways we work with React. We all have worked with useState, useEffect and other awesome hooks. But we can also make…
read moreWelcome to a brand new MEAN stack project. Here, we are going to build an employee management application from scratch, with MEAN(MongoDB…
read moreWelcome to a brand new Angular project. Here, we are going to build an Angular 12 News application from scratch. Now, go to any folder in…
read moreWelcome to final part of the recipe book app. We will HTTP requests in our app, in this part. We will add on top of the app we have create…
read moreWelcome to part-13 of Angular Basics series. In this part , we will continue to learn to do HTTP requests in Angular. The starting point is…
read moreWelcome to part-12 of Angular Basics series. In this part , we will learn to do HTTP requests in Angular. The starting point can be taken…
read moreWelcome to part-11 of Angular Basics series. In this part , we will learn about pipes in Angular. Pipes are used to transform output in our…
read moreWelcome to part-10 of Angular Basics series. In this part , we will learn about Reactive approach to create forms in Angular. The starting…
read moreWelcome to part-9 of Angular Basics series. In this part , we will learn about forms in Angular. Angular provide us with two approaches to…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the recipe book app. We will start with adding routing in this part. We will add on top of the app we have create in…
read moreWelcome to part-8 of Angular Basics series. In this part also, we will learn about Observables. The starting point can be taken from here…
read moreWelcome to part-7 of Angular Basics series. In this part also, we will continue with routing. The starting point will be the code from the…
read moreWelcome to the sixth part of Angular Basics. We will learn to change paths with Routing in this post. The starting point for this project…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the recipe book app. We will add on top of the app we have create in the previous part . You can find the code for the…
read moreWelcome to the fifth part of Angular Basics. We will deep dive into services and dependency Injection in this part. The service in Angular…
read moreWelcome to the fourth part of Angular Basics. We will deep dive into directives in this part. The starting point of the project can be taken…
read moreWe are going to build a recipe book app by using the concepts of Angular we learnt earlier. This app will be build in multiple posts, so…
read moreIn this post, we are going to create a beautiful Login and registration form with HTML and CSS. So, open VSCode and create the basic…
read moreIn this post we are going to create the Pricing component with toggle from Frontend mentor. Pricing component After downloading the…
read moreIn this post we are going to create the Insure Landing Page from Frontend mentor. Insure After downloading the resources, I had extracted…
read moreIn this post we are going to create the Huddle landing page with alternating feature blocks from Frontend mentor. Huddle After downloading…
read moreIn this post we are going to create the Ping — Single Column Coming Soon Page from Frontend mentor. Ping After downloading the resources…
read moreIn this post we are going to do a frontend mentor challenge which is Intro component with sign-up form. Intro Challenge After downloading…
read moreWelcome to the third part of Angular Basics. We will start from where we left. Some of the concepts in this post, were taken from the…
read moreWelcome to the second part of Angular Basics. You can find the first part here. We will start from where we left. First we will understand…
read moreWe will start with Angular, which was the first JavaScript Framework to start the change towards web-apps as it was released way back in…
read moreIn this post we are going to build an Application for Image Search. We will get the image from Unsplash API, the frontend will be in ReactJS…
read moreCloudflare worker is a serverless application platform, that allows you to create applications and deploy them on it’s Edge network. We will…
read moreIn this post, we will build a course tracker using React, Airtable and Netlify serverless functions. It will have full CRUD operations and…
read more100 Days Of Code - Log Along with #100daysofcode i am also doing #100daysofvideo challenge and learning and producing videos every day. Day…
read moreBuilding a clone of famous websites like is really challenging and a good exercise for aspiring front-end developers. Here the…
read moreLet’s do some good exercise by building a Trending Movies app using HTML, CSS, and Javascript 📽.The movie’s data used in the project is…
read moreLet’s have some fun by building a Whack a Mole game using HTML, CSS, and Javascript ⚒ . This game consists of nine dirt holes and a mole…
read moreLet’s build a password generator which generate passwords of different lengths and which can include or exclude special characters in the…
read moreWe might have come across e-commerce websites with countdown timers that give information on some sales or deals. We will create a web page…
read moreLet’s learn some javascript by doing a simple project.The objective of the project is to detect a given key sequence in the user input and…
read moreYou might have seen some cool websites where just mouse hover on the navigation will show a strip or highlights. Let’s build a simple…
read moreLet’s start learning some cool CSS tricks and a bit of Javascript by building an analog clock using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Trust me…
read moreHow about building drum kit on your own virtually with the help of some scripting language?Sounds cool right! Let’s start building a simple…
read moreHow about building a Music player on your own from scratch? Exciting right! Let’s start. Folder Structure of the project index.html…
read moreIn this blog we will build beautiful Weather Card Using html and Css. First create folder in our computer drive. Weather Site Next write…
read moreToday we will build Profile Card Using Html Css. First create folder in our system. Profile Site Next Right Click on folder and Click on…
read moreIn this tutorial we are going to build very beautiful Glassmorphism List UI Using Html Css design. First we create one folder in our…
read moreIn this Blog we are going to build very beautiful Glassmorphism Using HTML CSS. Next Create folder in our computer drive.we can give any…
read moreHello Everybody I am come back with Another blog in CSS Loading Animation Effects. Create folder inside computer CSS-Loading-Animation…
read moreHello this post we are going to build javascript Clock CSS Neumorphism Working Analog Clock UI Design. first create one folder…
read moreHello Everybody, I am back with another interesting and informative blog in this blog I am going to show you how you can make a simple clock…
read moreIn this project, we are going to build a simple Tailwind CSS landing page. We are not going to use any framework like my previous blogs here…
read moreIn this post, we will build a Cloudinary uploader through which we will be able to upload images through our app to cloudinary. We will use…
read moreIn this post, we are going to create Cryptocurrency Price tracker app using ReactJS. So open your terminal and create a new react app by…
read moreIn this post, we will build a Snippet app in Next.js. We will store and retrieve our data from FaunaDB and also use Tailwind CSS in the…
read moreThe next app with NextJS, which we will build is the Pokedex app and we will also be using Tailwind CSS in it. So, open your terminal and…
read moreWe are going to create photo gallery using React and firebase in this post. So use create-react-app command in your folder to create a new…
read moreWe are going to build Signal clone in React Native and for this we are going to use Expo and firebase for Database and authentication. So…
read moreContinuing our Next.js journey, the next application which we will build is a blog. We will use Ghost CMS for our blogs and Next.js for the…
read moreContinuing our NextJS journey, the next app which we will build is the Cryptocurrency price tracker app, which will show a nice interface…
read moreAfter completing the crash course in the previous blog, it time to create an app with Next.js. So, we will create a News app with Next.js…
read moreNext is a React web-framework, that enables server-side rendering and static site generation. So, it is build on top of React which gives…
read moreIn this post we are going to make a news app and will use the newsapi for the same. So, open up a terminal and create a new flutter app…
read moreI this post we are going to make a simple flutter app and will learn the basics of routing and login. We will also learn, how to make API…
read moreIn this blog we will continue our flutter journey and create Flashcard app, in which we can see the question and click on the card to flip…
read moreIn this blog we will build a very simple Easy read app, which enlarges text in our app. It is very useful to show people some text typed on…
read moreIn this blog we will continue our flutter journey and create an awesome and simple Tip calculator app. So, open up a terminal and create a…
read moreAfter learning flutter in the last two blogs, it time to create flutter apps. We will start by creating two simple flutter apps — Restaurant…
read moreWelcome to the flutter essential course. This course will teach you all the basics of flutter in a detail way and can be taken after my…
read moreAfter going through Dart in previous blog, it’s time to start our flutter journey. Before using flutter we need to install it and the…
read moreI have decided to give Flutter a try, after getting frustrated with React Native errors. Now, i am working with JavaScript for more then a…
read moreWelcome to a brand new React JS project, where we are going to build a COVID-19 tracker in React JS. We will get the latest data from the…
read moreI am mainly a ReactJS developer and worked on many enterprise level ReactJS project and also currently working on one of them. I have a lot…
read moreWelcome to the part-8 of the series. We will continue with the next frontend master challenge which is Coding bootcamp testimonials slider…
read moreWelcome to the part-7 of the series. We will continue with the next frontend master challenge which is Article Preview Component Challenge…
read moreWelcome to the part-6 of the series. We will continue with the next frontend master challenge which is Social Proof Section Challenge…
read moreWelcome to the part-5 of the series. We will continue with the next frontend master challenge which is Huddle landing Page Challenge…
read moreWelcome to the part-4 of the series. We will continue with the next frontend master challenge which is Base Apparel Challenge. Base…
read moreWelcome to the part-3 of the series. We will continue with the next frontend master challenge which is Single Price grid Challenge. Single…
read moreWelcome to part-9 of the series. We will learn about Async-actions using a react-redux app in this part. Async Actions The logic will be…
read moreWelcome to part-8 of the series. We will learn to add a payload to action and also additional props in mapStateToProps and…
read moreWelcome to part-7 of the series. We will learn to use logger middleware in a react-redux app and also to install and use redux devtool…
read moreWelcome to part-6 of the series. We will learn about using redux with react with the latest hooks in this part. React-redux hooks This is a…
read moreWelcome to part-5 of the series. We will learn about using redux with react in this part and hence the most practical part. React-Redux We…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. We will learn about the concept of middleware in this part. Middleware Let’s learn about middleware now…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. We will learn about the concept of multiple reducers first. Multiple Reducers We will continue with our…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. Before moving forward with our code, we will look into the three concepts of React. Redux Core Concepts…
read moreWelcome to a brand new series, where are going to learn about Redux and how to use it in React applications. Prerequiste You should know the…
read moreWelcome to part-14 of the series. We will continue learning to make custom hooks in this part. Custom hook We will create a new custom hook…
read moreWelcome to part-13 of the series. We will learn to make custom hooks in this part. Custom hook With custom hooks we can add our own…
read moreWelcome to part-12 of the series. We will learn about useRef hook in this part. useRef hook The useRef hook makes it possible to access DOM…
read moreWelcome to part-11 of the series. We will learn about the other performance optimization hooks, useMemo in this part. useMemo hook To…
read moreWelcome to part-10 of the series. We will learn about a performance optimization hooks — useCallback in this part. useCallback hook To…
read moreWelcome to part-9 of the series. We will learn to fetch data with useReducer hook in this part. Fetch data with useReducer For fetching data…
read moreWelcome to part-8 of the series. We will learn more about useReducer hook in this part. Multiple useReducers In the previous part, we had…
read moreWelcome to part-7 of the series. We will learn about useReducer hook in this part. useReducer hook It is mainly used for state management…
read moreWelcome to part-6 of the series. We will learn about useContext hook in this part. useContext hook We have learned about context in the…
read moreWelcome to part-5 of the series. We will look into doing API calls with useEffect in this part. Fetching data with useEffect In this part…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. We will look into more ways to use the useEffect in this part. useEffect only once In the last example, we…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. We will look into useEffect in this part. useEffect Hook The useEffect hook, is the second most important…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. We will look into useState with previous state in this part first. useState with previous State The example…
read moreWelcome to a brand new series. We will learn everything about react hooks in this series. Prerequisties To learn react hooks, we need to…
read moreWhen it comes to start a react project, we all use the familiar create-react-app by Facebook engineers.This create-react-app stores the…
read moreWhen it comes to start a react project, we all use the familiar create-react-app by Facebook engineers.This create-react-app stores the…
read moreWelcome to a new React JS project, where we are going to build a simple app using Final Space API in React. So, fire up your terminal and…
read moreWelcome to a new React JS project, where we are going to build a Hangman app using React. This project is based on the Vanilla JS project by…
read moreWelcome to a new React JS project, where we are going to build a Flashcard Quiz app using React. So, fire up your terminal and create a new…
read moreWelcome to a new simple React JS project, where we are going to build a CodePen clone using React. So, fire up your terminal and create a…
read moreWelcome to a simple React JS project, where we are going to build a simple photo editor, like photoshop using React and CSS Filters. So…
read moreIn this video we will create a project with Vanilla JavaScript, where we will learn about a lot of DOM manipulation, localStorage and also…
read moreIn this video ,we will use our JavaScript knowledge to create four awesome projects. The projects are - Create a Year End Counter in…
read moreWelcome to another project with Vanilla JavaScript, where we will learn about a lot of DOM manipulation, localStorage and also Object…
read moreWelcome to a brand new project, where we are going to create Infinite Scrolling in a webpage with JavaScript. It is very useful when you…
read moreIn this project we will create a web-app, which will search github username and give us details about the user. We are going to use the…
read moreIn this video, we will do the Social Proof Section Challenge from Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for…
read moreThe next project which we will do is to generate password using vanilla JavaScript. So, open your terminal and create a folder…
read moreIn this video, we will do the Huddle landing Page Challenge from Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for…
read moreSince new year is coming, it’s perfect time to create a new year counter in JavaScript. First let create a folder YearEndCounter and three…
read moreIn this video, we will do the Base Apparel challenge from Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more…
read moreIn this video, we will do the Single Price Grid challenge from Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more…
read moreIn this video, we will do the Four Card Featured challenge from Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more…
read moreIn this video, we will do the Fylo data storage challenge from Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more…
read moreWelcome to the part-2 of the series. We will continue with the next frontend master challenge which is Four Card Featured Challenge. The…
read moreRecently i found i great site to develop your frontend skills. The site is Frontend mentor and this is the Fylo data storage challenge…
read moreWelcome to final of the series. We will learn to do http request in this part. React and HTTP React doesn’t have any http capabilities…
read moreWe will learn to do http request in this final part. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos. You can also read it…
read moreWelcome to part-17 of the series. We will learn about Context in this part. Context Context provides a way to pass data through the…
read moreWe will learn about Context in this part. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos. You can also read it in blog…
read moreWelcome to part-16 of the series. We will learn about Render props in this part. They are also used like HOC to share common functionality…
read moreWe will learn about Render props in this part. They are also used like HOC to share common functionality between components. Please do like…
read moreWelcome to part-15 of the series. We will learn about Higher Order Components(HOC) in this part. To understand the need for HOC, we will…
read moreWe will learn about Higher Order Components(HOC) in this part. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos. You can also…
read moreWelcome to part-14 of the series. We will learn about Portals and Error Boundary in this part. Portals Portals provide a way to render…
read moreWe will learn about Portals and Error Boundary in this part. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos. You can also…
read moreWelcome to part-13 of the series. We will learn about Refs in this part. Refs Refs makes it possible to access DOM nodes directly within…
read moreWe will learn about React Refs in this part. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos. You can also read it in blog…
read moreWelcome to part-12 of the series.We will learn about Pure Components first in this part. Pure Components Actually, there is a second way to…
read moreWe will learn about Pure components and Memo, in this part. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos. You can also…
read moreWelcome to part-11 of the series. We will learn about the import Lifecycle methods in this part. Lifecycle Methods When we create a React…
read moreWe will learn about all the lifecycle methods, available in class based components. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more…
read moreWelcome to part-10 of the series. We will learn to style React form handling in this part. Controlled Components React form element are also…
read moreWe will learn to do React form handling in this part. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos. You can also read it…
read moreWelcome to part-9 of the series. We will learn to style React component in this part. Styling React Components There are four ways to style…
read moreWe will learn to style React component in this part. There are four ways to style React components. They are - CSS Stylesheets Inline…
read moreWelcome to part-8 of the series. When we build web-applications a common scenario is to display list of items. In any web-app we generally…
read moreIn this video, we will learn how to render lists in ReactJS. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos. You can also…
read moreWelcome to part-7 of the series. We will first learn about passing data from children to parent component. Methods as props In react we…
read moreIn this video, we will first learn about passing data from children to parent component. Then we will learn about the four ways by which we…
read moreWelcome to part-6 of the series. We will first learn about destructuring in this part. Destructuring Destructuring is an ES6 concept and is…
read moreIn this video, we will learn about destructuring, event handling and binding event handling. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel…
read moreWelcome to part-5 of the series. We will learn about state in this part, but let’s first understand the difference between state and props…
read moreIn this video, we will learn about state. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos. You can also read it in blog…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. We will learn about JSX first in the series. JSX JavaScript XML(JSX) is an extension to the JavaScript…
read moreIn this video, we will learn about JSX and props in this part. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos. You can also…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. We will learn about the biggest building block in React and that are component. Components in ReactJS…
read moreIn this video, we will learn about the biggest building block in React and that are component. Please do like it and Subscribe to my…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. In the previous part we had learnt about React and just created a project hello-world with create-react…
read moreWelcome to a new series in which i will go through all of ReactJS- from classes to hooks. In this video we will learn what is ReactJS and…
read moreWelcome to a new series in which i will go through all of ReactJS- from classes to hooks. You should do this series after completing by HTML…
read moreWelcome to a new series in which i will go through all of ReactJS- from classes to hooks. In this video we will learn what is ReactJS and…
read moreAs we all are waiting for 2020 to end and it’s time of the year, when it will snow in sometime in some part of the world. So, let’s create a…
read moreAs we all are waiting for 2020 to end and it’s time of the year, when it will snow in sometime in some part of the world. So, let’s create a…
read moreIn this project we are going to create a PokeDex with Vanilla JavaScript. We will first create a PokeDex folder and three files index…
read moreIn this video, we are going to create a PokeDex with Vanilla JavaScript. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos…
read moreWelcome to a cool new project in which, we will build a simple web app that searches a JSON file, containing Indian states details. It uses…
read moreIn this video, we will build a simple web app that searches a JSON file, containing Indian states details. It uses the Fetch API, Async…
read moreIn this article we are going to create a PDF viewer using modern ES6 JavaScript. So, let’s start with our project. I am creating a new…
read moreIn this video we are going to create a PDF viewer using modern ES6 JavaScript. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more…
read moreIn Chapter 15, we are going to learn about Sets and WeakSets. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos.
read moreIn Chapter 14, we are going to learn about Maps and WeakMaps. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos.
read moreIn Chapter 13, we are going to learn about Promises and async-await. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos.
read moreIn Chapter 12, we are going to learn about a complex topics in ES6 - Iterators and Generators. Please do like it and Subscribe to my…
read moreIn Chapter 11, we are going to learn about the new primitive data type in ES6 - Symbols. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for…
read moreIn Chapter 10, we are going to learn about Array Helper Methods - find, every, some and reduce. Please do like it and Subscribe to my…
read moreIn Chapter 9, we are going to learn about Array Helper Methods - forEach, map and filter. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel…
read moreIn Chapter 8, we are going to learn about Classes in ES6. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos.
read moreIn Chapter 7, we are going to learn about Array & Object Destructuring. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos.
read moreIn Chapter 6, we are going to learn about Template Literals. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos.
read moreIn Chapter 5, we are going to learn about Rest and Spread operator. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos.
read moreIn Chapter 4, we are going to learn about Object Literals. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos.
read moreIn Chapter 3, we are going to learn about Default parameters. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos.
read moreIn Chapter 2, we are going to learn about Fat arrow function. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos.
read moreThis is a premium ES6 tutorial. In Chapter 1, we are going to learn about var, let and const. Please do like it and Subscribe to my…
read moreThis is a premium ES6 tutorial. In the introduction, we will go through the content of the course. Please do like it and Subscribe to my…
read moreIn this video, we will create a simple Jumping Loading Animation with CSS in this article. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel…
read moreIn this video we will learn to do JavaScript form validations. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for more videos. You can…
read moreWe will create a simple Jumping Loading Animation with CSS in this article. We will be using codepen for this project. So, open a new…
read moreIn this video, we are going to create an amazing line through effect, with help of CSS and lots of JavaScript. Please do like it and…
read moreIn this post we will learn to do JavaScript form validations. So, head over to your terminal and create a folder JSformValidation . Create…
read moreIn this project, we are going to create an Lorem Ipsum generator with JavaScript. Lorem Ipsum is the dummy text, used by almost all…
read moreIn this project, we are going to create an Lorem Ipsum generator with JavaScript. Lorem Ipsum is the dummy text, used by almost all…
read moreWe are going to build two projects - First a simple color flipper which will change the background to a random color, on the click of a…
read moreIn this post, we are going to create an amazing line through effect, with help of CSS and lots of JavaScript. So, head over to your terminal…
read moreIn this video we are going to create a Simple Item list project in this post, with JavaScript DOM. Please do like it and Subscribe to my…
read moreIn a previous post , i had created a Simple color flipper in JavaScript. In that project, we had used an array of colors. In this project…
read moreIn this small project we are going to build a small Address book in Vanilla JavaScript. Please do like it and Subscribe to my channel for…
read moreIn this article, we are going to build a simple color flipper which will change the background to a random color, on the click of a button…
read moreIn this project we are going to build a simple converter app in Vanilla JavaScript. We are going to convert Kilograms to pound, Feet to…
read moreWe had learned the basics of DOM in the previous series. We are going to create a Simple Item list project in this post, with our learning…
read moreWelcome to the YDKJS series. The this keyword can sometime be one of the most confusing things of JavaScript, as it is different then what…
read moreWelcome to a new JavaScript project, where we are going to build a small Address book in Vanilla JavaScript. So, head over to your terminal…
read moreWelcome to the YDKJS series. Every Javascript developer knows one thing that they don’t know enough Javascript. On the top level, it’s only…
read moreIn continuation with our JavaScript project, the next thing we will build is a simple Converter app. We are again going to build it in…
read moreWelcome to the YDKJS series. Every Javascript developer knows one thing that they don’t know enough Javascript. On the top level, it’s only…
read moreHigher Order Components Its a convention to name HOC with a ' With ' in at the beginning of its name. With HOC we have components that wraps…
read moreWelcome to the YDKJS series. Every Javascript developer knows one thing that they don’t know enough Javascript. On the top level, it’s only…
read moreA better project structure For making a better structure, we have to decide what should go into its own component and what should be a…
read moreA better project structure For making a better structure, we have to decide what should go into its own component and what should be a…
read moreWelcome to the YDKJS series. Every Javascript developer knows one thing that they don’t know enough Javascript. On the top level, it’s only…
read moreWelcome to the YDKJS series. Every Javascript developer knows one thing that they don’t know enough Javascript. On the top level, it’s only…
read moreWelcome to the YDKJS series. Every Javascript developer knows one thing that they don’t know enough Javascript. On the top level, it’s only…
read moreWelcome to the YDKJS series. Every Javascript developer knows one thing that they don’t know enough Javascript. On the top level, it’s only…
read moreWelcome to the YDKJS series. Every Javascript developer knows one thing that they don’t know enough Javascript. On the top level, it’s only…
read moreWelcome to the YDKJS series. Every Javascript developer knows one thing that they don’t know enough Javascript. On the top level, it’s only…
read moreWelcome to the crash course on Async JS, which is a part of the ongoing crash course on JavaScript. Callback, Promises and Async-await are…
read moreWelcome to the crash course on Async JS, which is a part of the ongoing crash course on JavaScript. Callback, Promises and Async-await are…
read moreWelcome to the final part of DOM crash course. Next, we will learn about remove() . We can remove whole element like ul in below example…
read moreAfter learning JavaScript in the previous series, we will learn about DOM(Document Object Model). It is been used to interact with every…
read moreAfter learning JavaScript in the previous series, we will learn about DOM(Document Object Model). It is been used to interact with every…
read moreAfter learning JavaScript in the previous series, we will learn about DOM(Document Object Model). It is been used to interact with every…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. Conditionals The first conditional which we are going to check is the if statement. The statement within…
read moreThis video series we will go over the fundamentals of JavaScript including some modern syntax like classes, arrow functions, etc. This is…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. We will start with loops in this part. Loops The first loop which will look is the traditional for loop…
read moreThis video series we will go over the fundamentals of JavaScript including some modern syntax like classes, arrow functions, etc. This is…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. Before moving to Array, we will look a bit more on String. We will first look into String concatenation…
read moreThis video series we will go over the fundamentals of JavaScript including some modern syntax like classes, arrow functions, etc. This is…
read moreIt’s time to learn JavaScript after my HTML and CSS Crash Courses. JavaScript is everywhere on the web, from sites in Vanilla JS, to modern…
read moreThis video series we will go over the fundamentals of JavaScript including some modern syntax like classes, arrow functions, etc. This is…
read moreThis video series contains CSS animation tutorial and projects. In the fourth part we will be first creating a pop-up subscription list…
read moreThis video series contains CSS animation tutorial and projects. In the third part we will be completing our Mario Kart Animations. Animation…
read moreThis video series contains CSS animation tutorial and projects. In the second part we will be learning about keyframes and applying them to…
read moreThis video series contains CSS animation tutorial and projects. In the first part we will learn about the awesome CSS property of transform…
read moreThis series contains some practical examples which you can learn and directly use CSS in your projects. We will create awesome components…
read moreThis series contains some practical examples which you can learn and directly use CSS in your projects. We will create awesome components…
read moreThis series contains some practical examples which you can learn and directly use CSS in your projects. We will create awesome components…
read moreThis series contains some practical examples which you can learn and directly use CSS in your projects. We will create awesome components…
read moreThis series contains some practical examples which you can learn and directly use CSS in your projects. We will create awesome components…
read moreThis series contains some practical examples which you can learn and directly use CSS in your projects. We will create awesome components…
read moreThis series contains some practical examples which you can learn and directly use CSS in your projects. We will create awesome components…
read moreThis series contains some practical examples which you can learn and directly use CSS in your projects. We will create awesome components…
read moreThis series contains some practical examples which you can learn and directly use CSS in your projects. We will create awesome components…
read moreThis series contains some practical examples which you can learn and directly use CSS in your projects. We will create awesome components…
read moreHandling simple error Let's try to introduce an error in our program and see how it can be handled. In out nameChangeHandler we do this…
read moreSetting Styles Dynamically Let's change some css or style dynamically. So far, we have defined some css for in const style . It was used…
read moreA lot of sites nowadays have nice video background. So, i also wanted to created a simple video background landing page for a travel company…
read moreA lot of sites nowadays have nice video background. So, i also wanted to created a simple video background landing page for a travel company…
read moreWelcome to a brand new series, where we are going to create the clone of Pluralsight login page with HTML and CSS. We are going to use…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. We will start by making the secondary button in left side to 80%, which we missed in part-1. After that we…
read moreIn this video we will be creating a clone of the Pluralsight login page with HTML5 and CSS3 with Flexbox. It will also include media queries…
read moreIn this series we will look over the CSS Flexbox model and how easy it is to learn. With the creation of flexbox, we can create a modern day…
read moreRendering content conditionally Let we want to output our food components conditionally. For this, we make use of our switch button. With…
read moreIn this series we will look over the CSS Flexbox model and how easy it is to learn. With the creation of flexbox, we can create a modern day…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. We will complete the homepage by creating the footer first. So, first head over to index.html and create…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. In this part we will start with the Services page. Create a file services.html in the same folder and copy…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. We will continue building our Agency site and start with the showcase part. So, head over to the index.html…
read moreWe will build a simple Agency site in HTML and CSS. If you are new to web-development, learn HTML first from my other series here . After…
read moreWelcome to part-7 of the series. In this part we will learn positioning in CSS. Positioning in CSS There are six different value in the…
read moreWelcome to part-8 of the series. We will start this part with background images. Background Images To use image we need an image. So, go…
read moreUnderstanding children property In the last article, we learnt how to pass values to our component using props. We can do this in another…
read moreWelcome to another beginners course specially targeted at people, who want to start with web-development. You should first learn about HTML…
read moreWelcome to part-5 of the series. We will start to style forms in this part. Styling Forms We will first create a simple form and after that…
read moreWelcome to part-6 of the series. We will learn about Alignment and Floating in this part. They are a bit of old concept, but still in use at…
read moreWelcome to another beginners course specially targeted at people, who want to start with web-development. You should first learn about HTML…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. We will start this part by looking into some more CSS properties related to fonts. More Font Properties We…
read moreWelcome to another beginners course specially targeted at people, who want to start with web-development. You should first learn about HTML…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. Class & Id We have the concept of class and id in CSS. They can be used to target any HTML element…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. Colors In CSS We had added a lot of back-ground color and text color in the previous part. There are three…
read moreWelcome to another beginners course specially targeted at people, who want to start with web-development. You should first learn about HTML…
read moreWelcome to another beginners course specially targeted at people, who want to start with web-development. You should first learn about HTML…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. We will continue with learning some more form tags first, and complete our form journey. We will next see…
read moreI had decided to create a HTML tutorial for absolute beginners. This video is for those who are just starting in Web-development. After this…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. We will continue learning about more HTML tags. But before that let’s learn about Tag Attributes. Tag…
read moreI had decided to create a HTML tutorial for absolute beginners. This video is for those who are just starting in Web-development. After this…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. In the part-1 we mainly did some setups and some basics. But before moving forward will look into more…
read moreTo get started with building a project follow the steps on this link . Now every time you are opening your project you just need: Your…
read moreI had decided to create a HTML tutorial for absolute beginners. This video is for those who are just starting in Web-development. After this…
read moreI had decided to create a HTML tutorial for absolute beginners. This post is for those who are just starting in Web-development. After this…
read moreReact uses the most recent version of javascript. If someone already knows this, they should skip this part. let and const In ES…
read moreHere I am beginning my react journey. I have chosen a course on Udemy by Maximilian Schwarzmüller . And I am planning to write posts about…
read moreIn this post i will try to give you a view of how you can use vim. A very basic guide to get you started with using vim. If you are always…
read moreI had recently started my YouTube channel — The Web Dev. I had decided to start putting all my blogs into the YouTube channel. We will…
read moreI had recently started my YouTube channel — The Web Dev. I had decided to start putting all my blogs into the YouTube channel. We will…
read moreI had recently started my YouTube channel — The Web Dev. I had decided to start putting all my blogs into the YouTube channel. We will…
read moreI had recently started my YouTube channel — The Web Dev. I had decided to start putting all my blogs into the YouTube channel. We will…
read moreI had created a simple translation app using React Context API, in a class based project 1 year back. All the concepts with Context remains…
read moreI get a lot of visits from mobile devices in my site and i got some issues while visiting my site on mobile. So…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. Let’s continue our journey, where i am changing my class based project to a functional project using hooks…
read moreWhen i create my first blog 2.5 years back, it was a React app which was using YouTube API. You can find the link for it here . Now, i did…
read moreRecently i started to add more articles to my old blog series on Creating a Youtube Player. I had added articles to refactor it to use Redux…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. We will add the functionality to click on a video, in the list to select it and display it in the player…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. Now we will add the SearchBar functionality. It is pretty much straight forward. First update the App.js…
read moreMy first blog was a react tutorial to create a YouTube player. After 2.5 years and 240 blogs, i decided to revisit it. I had started my…
read moreI had recently started my YouTube channel — The Web Dev. I had decided to start putting all my blogs into the YouTube channel. The youtube…
read moreI had recently started my YouTube channel — The Web Dev. I had decided to start putting all my blogs into the YouTube channel. Many times in…
read moreI had recently started my YouTube channel — The Web Dev. I had decided to start putting all my blogs into the YouTube channel. So, this is…
read moreI had recently started my YouTube channel — The Web Dev. I had decided to start putting all my blogs into the YouTube channel. So, this is…
read moreI had recently started my YouTube channel — The Web Dev. I had decided to start putting all my blogs into the YouTube channel. So, this is…
read moreI had recently started my YouTube channel — The Web Dev. I had decided to start putting all my blogs into the YouTube channel. So, this is…
read moreI had recently started my YouTube channel — The Web Dev. I had decided to start putting all my blogs into the YouTube channel. So, this is…
read moreI had recently started my YouTube channel — The Web Dev. I had decided to start putting all my blogs into the YouTube channel. So, i am…
read moreAs most of you know my new blog site is live at I recently did a lighthouse audit from google chrome console and my…
read moreAs many of my readers know from my previous post that, after investing in learning GatsbyJS for the past 1 year and publishing blog series…
read moreWelcome to part-30 of the series. I had one issue for the code styling, i did in the previous part. It was all hard coded, so if i have to…
read moreWelcome to part-18 of the series. There is a feature which is pending in our site and this is of Webhooks. We have added all menu items, but…
read moreWelcome to part-29 of the series. As i had added more blogs to my site, i found some more CSS issues which i will fixing next. The first…
read moreWelcome to part-17 of the series. In the previous part after implementing snipcart, i had pushed the code to netlify to deploy the site. But…
read moreWelcome to part-16 of the series. In the previous part we had done all the changes to implement snipcart. So, let’s start to add ecommerce…
read moreAs most of my readers know, i had invested heavily in GatsbyJS and writing blog in it for the past 1 year. I also created 3 of my personal…
read moreWelcome to part-15 of the series. In this part, i will start to make the static restaurant site an ecommerce site where any user can order…
read moreWelcome to part-14 of the series. We will start to show the data from contentful in our site in this part. So, create a file Menu.js…
read moreWelcome to part-13 of the series. We have completed added data to our contentful CMS in the past two posts. Now, to use those data we have…
read moreWelcome to part-12 of the series. We will continue setting contenful, which we started in the previous part. So, click on the Content tab…
read moreWelcome to part-11 of the series. We will start with our contentful setup in this part to start getting, all data from contentful CMS. So…
read moreWelcome to part-10 of the series. We will start creating the Gallery component in the home page, in this part. So, create a new file…
read moreWelcome to part-9 of the series. We will start with the footer component in this part. So, create a file Footer.js inside the Global…
read moreWelcome to part-8 of the series. We will next start to create a button for the QuickInfo section. Let’s create a new button SectionButton…
read moreWelcome to part-7 of the series. We will start this part by creating the Banner button component. This will allow us to place a button…
read moreWelcome to part-6 of the series. We will start creating Banner component in this part. This component will show the different text, which is…
read moreWelcome to part-5 of the series. We will start to work to display a center image in the home page. First add a new file Header.js inside…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. We will continue working on the Navbar in this part. We will first add a transition to the styles.js file…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. We will start creating generic styled components here, so that we don’t have to create different style in…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. We have completed the setup in part-1 and will start creating the project in this part. Create a folder…
read moreI am starting a brand new project to built a restaurant site with GatsbyJS. This site will also have ecommerce feature, for the user to…
read moreWelcome to part-26 of the series. In this part we will create a new addon called Website Sidenotes . This addon allows a user to save text…
read moreWelcome to part-25 of the series. In this part we will create a new addon called Mobile View Tester . This addon allows a developer to…
read moreWelcome to part-24 of the series. In this part we will create a new addon called Read Mode . This addon allows the user to change, the…
read moreWelcome to part-23 of the series. In this part we will create a new addon called List Tab Cookies . This addon list all cookies in the…
read moreIn this part we will create a new addon called Search Tabs . This addon allows the user to search any word across all your open tabs. So…
read moreWelcome to part-21 of the series. In this part we will create a new addon called Delete Everything . This addon allows the user to delete…
read moreWelcome to part-20 of the series. In this part we will create a new addon called Website History Delete . This addon allows the user to…
read moreWelcome to part-19 of the series. In this part we will create a new addon called Delete Last Download . This addon shows the last…
read moreWelcome to part-18 of the series. We will complete our addon Tab Utility , which we had started building in part-17. Let’s add…
read moreWelcome to part-17 of the series. In this part we will create a new addon called Tab Utility . This addon will allow us to do a list of…
read moreWelcome to part-16 of the series. In this part we will create a new addon called Domain Blocker . This addon will blocks requests to any…
read moreWelcome to part-15 of the series. In this part we will create a new addon called Text Search . This addon will allow us to choose the…
read moreWelcome to part-14 of the series. In this part we will create a new addon called Top Sites . It will show a list of most visited sites…
read moreWelcome to part-13 of the series. In this part we will create a new addon called Website Stats . It will show statistics about the web…
read moreWelcome to part-12 of the series. In this part we will create a now addon called Simply Notes . It’s a simple note taking app, which will…
read moreWelcome to part-28 of the series. In this part i will start with adding the logic to show current count of total blogs, next to search bar…
read moreWelcome to part-27 of the series. As most of you know that i had completed my new blog site , but needed to do three minor…
read moreWelcome to part-11 of the series. I often go to for using royalty free images in all by blog posts. During this covid-1…
read moreWelcome to part-10 of the series. We will continue building extensions, which show some type of image when we open a new tab. The third tab…
read moreWelcome to part-9 of the series. We will continue building extensions, which show some type of image when we open a new tab. The second tab…
read moreWelcome to part-8 of the series. In this part we will make some more firefox extensions. We will create some tab addons. These addons shows…
read moreWelcome to part-7 of the series. In this part i will mainly fix some small errors in the earlier submitted addons to mozilla addons site. We…
read moreWelcome to part-6 of the series. As in the previous two parts, i will make one more firefox extensions to help us in this covid-19 crisis…
read moreWelcome to part-5 of the series. As in the previous part, i will make two more firefox extensions to help us in this covid-19 crisis…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. As, the title tells i will be creating some firefox extensions to help in the covid-19 crisis. Since, there…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. This part we will start by creating a simple firefox extension, which will show a browser notification…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. In this part we will start by submitting the firefox extension, which we created in part-1. You need to…
read moreTwo years back i created a lot of firefox extensions(23 in total), also known as add-ons. Slowly, i moved to other side projects and forgot…
read moreWelcome to part-26 of the series. In this part we will start to add the Mailchimp subscription to our project, so that users can subscribe…
read moreWelcome to part-25 of the series. Since the site was deployed, i was able to check it in a real mobile device and there…
read moreWelcome to part-24 of the series. We have one thing left to do with the previous SEO plugin and it is to add twitter and facebook cards. We…
read moreWelcome to part-23 of the series. I will start this part by creating the About page, which is currently blank. Create a new folder About…
read moreWelcome to part-22 of the series. We will start by adding some Gatsby plugins to my newly created personal blog site . I have found a great…
read moreWelcome to part-21 of the series. Now, that our site is live it’s time to add the good gatsby plugins and other things. But before that i…
read moreWelcome to part-20 of the series. In the last part, i got an error while deploying to netlify. It was a small mistake but i was not able to…
read moreWelcome to part-19 of the series. I want to deploy the site in netlify, as almost everything is over. The things which are remaining are the…
read moreWelcome to part-18 of the series. Before moving forward, we need to do some CSS changes so that the Right Menu shows properly. We are mainly…
read moreWelcome to part-17 of the series. I want to have the concept of series in the site. Many of the blog posts are part of a series and i want…
read moreWelcome to part-16 of the series. We need to add Side Menu on the right side also. It will open on the clicking the hamburger menu, on the…
read moreWelcome to part-15 of the series. First let’s fix a small bug as the tags was not centring properly in all small screens. Add the below…
read moreWelcome to part-14 of the series. In the last part we created menu for the Mobile view and in this part we will add functionality to it, to…
read moreWelcome to part-13 of the series. We will start by adding the same box-shadow that we created for Search bar in the previous part, to all…
read moreWelcome to part-12 of the series. We will start to add the Search functionality in our blog. There are some gatsby plugin to add the search…
read moreWelcome to part-11 of the series. We will first add one thing in TagList.js file, which we missed in the previous section. We will be…
read moreWelcome to part-10 of the series. The first thing which we will do is to add the author details, which includes his twitter, github and dev…
read moreWelcome to part-9 of the series. We will start to create our post-template.js file now. Let’s first add the query which we created in the…
read moreWelcome to part-8 of the series. Now, it’s time to generate those pages programatically, when we click on the Read More button. First…
read moreWelcome to part-7 of the series. Let’s start from where we left. We will update our PostList.js to use the props which were passed to it…
read moreWelcome to part-6 of the series. In this part we will, first start with our GraphQL queries. So, head over to http://localhost:800…
read moreWelcome to part-5 of the series. In this part we will start with the adding gatsby-plugin-mdx in our project. It will help to show mdx…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. In this part we will start with the footer component first. But i want to show social icons in footer. So…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. We will start where we had left and will first add a layout.css inside the components folder. This will…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. I will be using mdx for the Gatsby site and taken the initial learnings from this udemy course from John…
read moreAs many of my wonderful readers might know, that i really got success in with by blog post with the wonderful site of . I had also…
read moreWelcome to part-21 of the series. I had decided to put Advertisement in my site which i had build in this series…
read moreWelcome to part-6 of the series. As, you might know from earlier part that i am upgrading by personal blog site One…
read moreWelcome to part-5 of the series. As, you might know from earlier part that i am upgrading by personal blog site I…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. As you might know that i build my personal site with Stackbit, which publishes all my blogs to…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. In the second part which starts with video-11, he starts with installing React and other dependencies. We…
read moreAs i had told in my earlier series , that i had started working on React, Graphql and Apollo client at work so it was time to refresh the…
read moreWelcome to part-6 of the series. We will start building our History component in this part. But first let’s check the graphiql query for a…
read moreWelcome to part-5 of the series. Next, it’s time to create our Rocket component to show the details of each rocket, when the user clicks…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. We will start where we left by working on the Launch component. We will start by importing the required…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. Now, let’s send the data from our Launches.js file to a new component LaunchItem.js . We are just…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. It’s time to create the front-end of our app and we will use create-react-app for the same. So, head over…
read moreI had recently started working on a new project at work, which have GraphQL with React and it queries the GraphQL server using Apollo Client…
read moreWelcome to part-20 of the series. In this part i will first buy domain name and add the details in netlify. The process is exactly the same…
read moreWelcome to part-19 of the series. In this part we will start adding code for displaying the large image, when we click on the Open button…
read moreWelcome to part-18 of the series. In this part i want to create a new page — Photos. It will contain most of the awesome photos, it took…
read moreWelcome to part-17 of the series. I have been in Hampi for the past 4 days and created six blogs on hampi. The four days blogs can be find…
read moreWelcome to part-16 of the series. In this part we will show the blog pages, when a user clicks on it. For this we will follow the same…
read moreWelcome to part-15 of the series. Before moving forward, i would want to create another graphql query. Generally the blog are posted in…
read moreWelcome to part-14 of the series. In this part we will start my creating a new Content Model , for blog in our site. So, head over to the…
read moreWelcome to part-13 of the series. In this part we will first start with creating the query for the template page. We will first create the…
read moreWelcome to part-12 of the series. Let’s start by creating our Places component. Open your Places.js file and update as below. We are…
read moreWelcome to part-11 of the series. Here we will first create the queries in GraphiQL for our places. We have a Places page in our project…
read moreWelcome to part-10 of the series. It’s time to add some content. So, head over to Content tab. You will see the below screen. Click on the…
read moreWelcome to part-9 of the series. Now, it’s time to get out data and display it in our project. We can do this with internal data, but we…
read moreWelcome to part-8 of the series. In this part we will start with our page transition, which will occur when we navigate to a different page…
read moreWelcome to part-7 of the series. In this part we will start optimizing the background images in our site. Right now we have only one big…
read moreWelcome to part-6 of the series. As told in the earlier post, we need to install some plugins for using one of the main feature of Gatsby…
read moreWelcome to part-5 of the series. In this part, we will first learn how to do continuous deployment using netlify. It is a great service to…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. We will use styled-components in this post to style our project. So, we will install the plugin gatsby…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. As told in the earlier post, this series is based on the learning from this awesome udemy course by John…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. As told in the earlier post, this series is based on the learning from this awesome udemy course by John…
read moreAfter creating two series with GatsbyJS — Agency site and Blog Site , i wanted to learn more about this awesome tech. I found this…
read moreI have my personal portfolio site hosted on Github pages for sometime now. But i didn’t updated it for more then 1.5 years now. I need to…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. We will start by adding some Gatsby plugins to my newly created blog site . I have found a great article…
read moreWelcome to part 2 of the series and my 100th blog :) After completing my blogging site in part-1, it’s time to buy and domain name and add…
read moreI started my blogging journey 2 years back on medium and had written 215 blogs till date. It had soon become an habit to write technical…
read moreWelcome to part 4 of the series. This series is inspired by this awesome YouTube series by The Net Ninja . Create a new folder web and…
read moreWelcome to part 3 of the series. This series is inspired by this awesome YouTube series by The Net Ninja . We will start where we left in…
read moreWelcome to part 2 of the series. This series is inspired by this awesome YouTube series by The Net Ninja . We will start by learning…
read moreWelcome to a brand new series on CSS animation. While creating my earlier series CSS3 in 10 days , i did some animations and got hooked…
read moreWelcome to Day 10 of learning CSS. As i have told earlier, this series is inspired by this awesome youtube series in freecodecamp channel…
read moreWelcome to Day 9 of learning CSS. As i have told earlier, this series is inspired by this awesome youtube series in freecodecamp channel…
read moreWelcome to Day 8 of learning CSS. As i have told earlier, this series is inspired by this awesome youtube series in freecodecamp channel…
read moreWelcome to Day 7 of learning CSS. As i have told earlier, this series is inspired by this awesome youtube series in freecodecamp channel…
read moreWelcome to Day 6 of learning CSS. As i have told earlier, this series is inspired by this awesome youtube series in freecodecamp channel…
read moreWelcome to Day 5 of learning CSS. As i have told earlier, this series is inspired by this awesome youtube series in freecodecamp channel…
read moreWelcome to Day 4 of learning CSS. As i have told earlier, this series is inspired by this awesome youtube series in freecodecamp channel…
read moreWelcome to Day 3 of learning CSS. As i have told earlier, this series is inspired by this awesome youtube series in freecodecamp channel…
read moreWelcome to Day 2 of learning CSS. As i have told earlier, this series is inspired by this awesome youtube series in freecodecamp channel…
read moreMost of the time, we developers struggle with CSS and take the help of some CSS framework like bootstrap or foundation. Nothing wrong in…
read moreContinuing with React Native the next app i am making is a simple iPhone calculator. This post is inspired by this video by Carl Spencer…
read moreContinuing my React Native journey, i found a great site by Spencer Carli. This post is based on one of…
read moreFor the past one month, i have been doing development in React Native. I am using the expo-cli to create the project and using my physical…
read moreI had delayed learning React Native for some time now. After working with React for quite sometime, it is the obvious next step. So, i…
read moreI was going through an article and found 10 cool web-apps for JS developer to make. Out of them one was the very popular hackernews site…
read moreNow that we have completed our Restaurant Billing app, it’s time to deploy it to the web. You can find my earlier article related to the…
read moreI had completed building the Indian Restaurant Billing App , which i started from the learning of Advanced React course by Wes Bos. I also…
read moreI am building a demo Indian Restaurant Billing App , after completing Advanced React course by Wes Bos. In my first article i changed the…
read moreI am building a demo Indian Restaurant Billing App , after completing Advanced React course by Wes Bos. In my first article i changed the…
read moreI recently started building Indian Restaurant Billing App as a part of applying my learning's , after completing Advanced React course by…
read moreI have recently completed the amazing Advanced React course by Wes Bos. In the course he taught to built, an online store with the latest…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. This series have been inspired by this youtube tutorial from freecodecamp. We will start from where we…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. This series have been inspired by this youtube tutorial from freecodecamp. We have added two more authors…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. This series have been inspired by this youtube tutorial from freecodecamp. We will first add another type…
read moreWe are starting a new series and it’s about the latest GraphQL. Here we built an App, with React in the frontend and GraphQL in place of…
read moreWe are going to build a simple app using the latest React feature of hooks, which lets us use Class components concepts in Functional…
read moreWelcome to the brand new post. Here, we will create a small translation app using the new Context System in ReactJS. This series have been…
read moreWelcome to Part-7 of the series. We will create the StreamShow component first. So, whenever the user clicks on a stream, it will show one…
read moreWelcome to Part-6 of the series. Let’s start where we left. We will next create our Delete component. We are going to show a modal to the…
read moreWelcome to Part-5 of the series. Let’s start where we left. We would like to associate users, to our stream so that we can add a Delete and…
read moreWelcome to Part-4 of the series. We will start implementing streams in our project. Our Structure We will now setup the API Server. Now…
read moreWelcome to Part-3 of the series. We will implement forms in our project. We will use Redux-forms, but first let hook up redux-devtools in…
read moreWelcome to Part-2 of the series. In this part , we will create Authentication to login to our App. We will use google OAuth authentication…
read moreWelcome to the brand new series. Here, we will create a clone of the popular streaming service using ReactJS. This…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. In part-3 we had completed the version-1 of the app. Here, we will start making the version-2, where the…
read moreWelcome to part-3 to the series. We will start from where we left in part-2. The network request in part-2 using axios, is an async request…
read moreWelcome to part-2 to the series. We will start from where we left in part-1. We will work on SearchBar.js file and use the standard React…
read moreWelcome to the brand new series to build an web app from scratch using ReactJS. We will be using the latest ReactJS syntax of 2019 to create…
read moreWelcome to Part-3 of the series. Most of the things in this series are from the great Photoshop course on Udemy by Dan . Make image Black…
read moreWelcome to Part-2 of the series. Change Color using Hue We will next learn to change color of something using Hue. This is a very useful…
read moreFor i a long time i postponed learning PhotoShop and instead learnt the other skills in programming. If anyone have created small portfolio…
read moreOnce you have studied HTML and CSS, the best way to learn it is to build some websites. But you also need to have some tricks under your…
read moreI had recently moved to Angular at work after working in React for quite sometime. Unlike React where we generally use third party form…
read moreWelcome to part-17 of the series and the final part of Interview Preparation. Below questions can be asked during a whiteboard/paper…
read moreWelcome to part-16 of the series and the second part in Tricky questions. Question 109- What is the output of the below code and why…
read moreWelcome to part-15 of the series and the first part in Tricky questions. Now, the interviewer can ask some really tricky questions mainly…
read moreWelcome to part-14 of the series and the second part in CSS questions. Question 86- What is specificity in CSS ? Answer- If you have for…
read moreWelcome to part-13 of the series and the first part in CSS questions. Question 79- What is the difference between display: block, inline…
read moreWelcome to part-12 of the series and the part on Algorithm running time questions. A lot of time, the interviewer will ask you to write an…
read moreWelcome to part-11 of the series and the second part in Object Oriented JavaScript questions. Question 67- Explain Object.assign() Method…
read moreWelcome to part-10 of the series and the first part in Object Oriented JavaScript questions. In this part we will learn Object Oriented…
read moreWelcome to part-9 of the series and third part in React & Redux questions. Question 53- How to pass data between sibling components using…
read moreWelcome to part-8 of the series and second part in React & Redux questions. Question 48- Explain Fragments in React 16? Answer- React…
read moreWelcome to part-7 of the series. Most of the time companies asks to create a React/Redux project, or they will ask you to create a small…
read moreWelcome to part-6 of the series. We will continue with our ES6 questions here. Question 34- Explain classes in ES6? Answer- Constructor…
read moreWelcome to part-5 of the series. We will start new question regarding new features which were released as a part of ES6. Question 27- What…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. Let’s start with where we left. Question 16- Explain the concept of hoisting in JavaScript? Answer…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. Let’s start with where we left. Question 12- What is the difference between call, bind and apply? Answer…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. Let’s start with where we left. Question 4- What is the difference between function declaration and…
read moreWe all know that JavaScript interviews(especially FrontEnd interviews) can be pretty hard, because interviewer can ask question from old JS…
read moreThe this keyword can sometime be one of the most confusing things of JavaScript, as it is different then what in other object oriented…
read moreWelcome to the final part of the series. We will use this codepen for the album layout page. The basic code without any style(except the…
read moreWelcome to part-7 of the series. We will learn the important concept of CSS Grid alignment and centring in this tutorial. We will use this…
read moreWelcome to Part-6 of the series. In part-4 of the series, we used grid-column and grid-row concept to place items. In this part we will use…
read moreWelcome to part-5 of the series. We will first learn about the auto-fill and auto-fit property in this tutorial. We will be using this…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. We will first learn about Sizing Grid Items in this tutorial. In Grid also, as in Flexbox we have to…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. We will look into Sizing Tracks in CSS Grid how. For this we will use this codepen . This is the initial…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. Let me start with the dev tools which are really beneficial for development in Grid. By the time of writing…
read moreAs i have written in my previous blog on flexbox , that it helped me get out of the bootstrap trap. I also use another new addition to CSS…
read moreI generally use styled components, most of the new CSS which I do at work. One of the main benefit of styled components in any react project…
read moreWelcome to part-4 of the series. This series is all from the learnings of Kyle Simpson and also from the amazing youtube Javascript series…
read moreWelcome to part-3 of the series. This series is all from the learnings of Kyle Simpson and also from the amazing youtube Javascript series…
read moreWelcome to part-2 of the series. This series is all from the learnings of Kyle Simpson and also from the amazing youtube Javascript series…
read moreWelcome to the second series of You don’t know JS. Part one of the series was regarding Scopes and Closures. This series is all from the…
read moreWelcome to the Part5 of YDKJS series. As told in part1 this series is based on my learnings from legendary book series You don’t know JS by…
read moreWelcome to the Part4 of YDKJS series. As told in part1 this series is based on my learnings from legendary book series You don’t know JS by…
read moreWelcome to part3 of the series. The traditional languages like Java and C++ are compiled languages, means you have to make an intermediate…
read moreWelcome to the Part2 of YDKJS series. As told in part1 this series is based on my learnings from legendary book series You don’t know JS by…
read moreEvery Javascript developer knows one thing that they don’t know enough Javascript. On the top level, it’s only var, for , if else just like…
read moreWe will start looking at the flex items property from here onwards. We will use this codepen for our project. Let’s start with the…
read moreThe youtube player which we have created so far uses the usual bootstrap. Now i have learnt the hard way that if you want to be really good…
read moreYou can find the codepen used in this part here . We will start with flex container property align-content. It basically aligns items…
read moreMany times in UI development we get request from client/user to highlighted item from a list once clicked upon. It can be a navbar, a list…
read moreWelcome to Part-2 of the series. We will be start where, we had left in the first part. Alignment & Centring We will learn alignment and…
read moreI have been developing sites for quite sometime now. First using Javascript, then React. Always have sort of ignored CSS because floats were…
read moreWelcome to Part 3 and here we will add the functionality to click on a video, in the list to select it and display it in player. Now the…
read moreWelcome to Part 2 of the Flux series. Now we will add the SearchBar functionality. It is pretty much straight forward. First update the App…
read moreI have written a three part series to create a youtube player. It used only React and heavily depends on callbacks from children to parent…
read moreWe now have three main tasks remaining. First showing the Video player, second the option to click on a video to change it in video player…
read moreWelcome to part 2. Let’s start from where we left, but first add bootstrap to our project so that it looks a bit ok. Add this in index.html…
read moreMy journey with react started more then a year back. I was already doing some web-development with HTML, CSS , Javascript for past 7 years…
read more